San Bernardino Superior Court Releases Strategic Plan for Next Five Years

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 The Superior Court of San Bernardino County is pleased to announce its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. This plan, the first one since 2009, represents the culmination of a multi-month effort involving judges, commissioners, and court employees who came together to set a vision and strategic plan for the court’s future. 

Aligned with the goals of the Judicial Council’s own strategic plan, the Court strives to create efficient, transparent, and innovative services with well-trained staff to provide stable and consistent access to justice throughout the largest county in the lower 48 states. Four main areas of the plan include: 

1. Expanded countywide access to justice; 

2. Increased statewide relationships; 

3. Efficient, functioning, and accessible case and data management; and 

4. Well-trained and committed judicial officers and staff. 


Presiding Judge-Elect John P. Vander Feer, who led the strategic planning efforts, expressed optimism about the court’s plan: “Our court and county haven’t fully recovered from the painful budget cuts that occurred during the Great Recession, we’re still fighting chronic underfunding as well as a corresponding lack of judicial and staff resources to address our workload. This thoughtful blueprint will help guide us in meeting our objectives and managing our resources with limited funding.” 

The plan is available here. 

For questions or more information, contact (909) 708-8747. 

